Hi, I'm Bec. .
I want to help you GLOW!

There is LOTS in the shop, pick a category and look around
Trial Run (The Well Space Book 1)
Trial Run by S.M. LevineMy rating: 4 of 5 starsThe Story of Nell and Ben was a very un-expected one for me.I was captured from the very first page, getting to know Ben & Nell, their humanity, their struggles and lives were just so real to me.Nell with her struggles of being a single mother and scraping to make ends meet.Ben with his fabulous clinic but struggling to deal with […]
Song of the Woods (Symmetry of Light Book 1)
Song of the Woods by Linda Kaye My rating: 3 of 5 stars I quite enjoyed this story. Being introduced to her family through the intriguing prologue and then being thrown forward to Ivy arriving back to her home town many years later gave me just enough interest to keep reading.As the story moved forward and I learnt more about Ivy, her family history and the history of what happened […]
Book: Cursed In Love – Emily Colin
ARC received in return for an honest review. Expected Release Date: 14 Feb 2025 Cursed in Love by Emily Colin My rating: 4 of 5 stars In this lighthearted quirky story we meet Rune, a spirited independent woman who despite being clumsy and having moments of incredibly hilarious bad luck, still manages to have made a life as a graphic designer with her very own little house and rescue kitty […]
2025 is off to a cracking start
I seem to be reading everything I can get my hands on. It’s been a while since I’ve actually sat and read a book, I’ve been relying on Audiobooks for a long time now and I ask myself.WHY haven’t I been telling other people about my reads? NOW in 2025 I’ve grabbed physical books, e-books and audiobooks with BOTH hands to devour as many as I possibly can. So beware […]
Discover the Secret to Beating Bloating and Restoring Gut Balance
They tell me that it’s just one of those “Middle Age” things….BUT I don’t believe it. The Bloat is real!!! Things aren’t quite right and just get worse:I didn’t realise that my Gallbladder had been sick for a LONG time until a scan in December 2019 that was checking on something else revealed that it had to come out.In Feb 2020 out came the Gallbladder, then came the faster than […]
So far so….. OK….
Wow, it’s May already, where is 2022 going?What does it think it’s doing going by so fast? Time really does fly when you’re having fun but this year has still been a bit so..so.. for many people. Being May we are well and truly into our Winter sport, the whole family is heavily involved in our local Australian Rules Football & Netball club with hubby coaching a junior Football team, […]
Middle Aged, I hear you say…
Why on earth would I call myself that? I really am “Middle Aged”I read it on the Internet… I speak the Truth… According to Wikipedia “Middle age is the period of age beyond young adulthood but before the onset of old age. The exact range is disputed; some sources place middle adulthood between the ages of 45 and 65. This phase of life is marked by gradual physical, cognitive, and social changes in the […]
Another Year has come
Welcome to 2022, it’s going to be a FABULOUS year!!! I’m an eternal optimist so YES I actually believe, that no-matter what may befall us, it will be amazing. For those of you that don’t know me I am Bec and I’ll be your guide here as “The Middle Aged Mum”I plan to take us on a little journey (yes I said it). I’ve been sitting down and thinking, as […]